When we acquire a new piece of jewellery, especially an expensive one, we often can't wait to show it off. We want our treasures to last a lifetime, sparkling as brightly as they did on the day we bought them. But sometimes, despite our best intentions, precious pieces can become damaged or begin to lose their lustre.

Different types of jewellery, from silver and gold to diamonds and pearls, can be affected by various conditions. This article will delve into the specifics of these impacts and how best to care for your precious pieces, focusing on the question, "Can you shower with pearl jewellery?"

The Perils of Wetting Pearls

Pearls are delicate gemstones, and they can be damaged easily if not cared for properly. One common mistake is exposing pearls to water, which can have detrimental effects on the jewellery. When pearls get wet, the moisture can damage both the thread and the pearl itself. As the thread begins to stretch and lengthen, the pearls lose their shape. Furthermore, as the thread runs through the pearl, water can also cause internal damage, leading to the breakdown of the pearl's internal composition. This can result in discolouration, turning your pristine cream pearls into dull, greyish beads.

Can You Wear Jewellery in the Shower?

For practical reasons, many people wear their jewellery in the shower. However, not all types of jewellery can withstand continuous exposure to water.

Freshwater Pearls in the Shower

Freshwater pearls, like other types of pearls, can be significantly damaged by water. Moreover, the soap, shampoo, conditioner, or oils you use in the shower contain chemicals that can further damage your pearl jewellery. Hence, wearing your pearl jewellery in the shower is not advisable.

Gold in the Shower

Wearing gold jewellery in the shower isn't as harmful as showering with pearls. Although the shine of the jewellery might reduce over time, the metal itself isn't harmed. However, if the jewellery is gold-plated, showering with it could wear down the thin layer of gold until it disappears completely.

Stainless Steel in the Shower

Stainless steel is a durable metal, and you can certainly wear stainless steel jewellery in the shower. Many piercers choose stainless steel for new piercings as it can withstand continuous exposure to water.

Sterling Silver in the Shower

Showering with sterling silver jewellery is similar to showering with gold. Although it shouldn't cause much damage, continuous exposure to water can cause silver to tarnish and lose its lustre.

Platinum in the Shower

Much like silver or gold, platinum can lose its shine with continuous exposure to water. It's best to avoid wearing it in the shower, but forgetting once in a while won't be a disaster.

Diamonds in the Shower

Diamonds can lose their sparkle when worn in the shower. A thin film can form on the surface of diamonds, diminishing their sparkle. Therefore, it's essential to remove all diamond jewellery before showering.

Can Jewellery Be Worn in the Pool?

Wearing jewellery in a swimming pool is far worse than wearing it in the shower. Chlorine and other pool chemicals pose a much higher risk of damaging your jewellery than the water in your bathroom. Precious metals can react with chlorine, leading to corrosion over time.

What Can Damage Pearls?

Many factors can damage pearls, including perfume, hairspray, and even the acidity of your skin. Also, storing pearls with other pieces of jewellery can lead to scratches and dullness.

Basic Tips for Caring for Your Jewellery

Here are some quick tips to keep your jewellery looking its best:

  1. Use a jewellery cloth to gently remove any debris and substances that have accumulated on your jewellery.
  1. Store your jewellery properly, away from direct sunlight and heat. Invest in a jewellery box with separate compartments for each piece.

  2. Be cautious with cleaning solutions. Do thorough research to determine the best cleaning method for each type of metal, stone, or gem.

In conclusion, the key to maintaining your jewellery's sparkle and beauty is proper care and attention. By following these tips, you can ensure that your precious pieces, whether they're pearls, diamonds, or gold, will continue to shine brightly for many years to come.

Oskar Barczak